Thursday, November 21, 2013

Dick's Classic Garage: A Cruise Back in Time

By: Lindsey Schlandt

At Dick’s Classic Garage, the cars are not the only thing being preserved, but the history of another era in America.

Located in San Marcos, Texas, this car museum contains vehicles from as early as 1919 up to 1959, all perfectly restored. What separates the museum from others is it’s dedication to not only the cars, but also the history they represent.

Dick Burdick founded the museum in 1980 in an effort to use his collection to further educate on the history of the automobile.

Thomas Fortney, museum curator and employee of Dick’s for 9 years, believes the museum exemplifies what America was in the height of American manufacturing.

“You don’t get to see these vehicles anymore, and the further on we go the less and less we see them,” said Fortney. “You see as the car evolved the country evolved too.”

The collection is one of the most varied in the country, with vehicles ranging from low-end consumer vehicles to cars such as the Tucker, one of only 50 made.

“These were cars you actually got to drive,” said Fortney. “What Mr. Burdick has done is actually collected a very well rounded collection.

The Tucker is the museum’s biggest draw, a car said to be years ahead of it’s time when it was built, and museum-goer Craig Caldwell traveled all the way from Horn Lake, Mississippi to see it.

“I’m on a quest to see as many Tuckers as I can,” said Caldwell. “I drove over 1000 miles to see this.”

Caldwell also believes Dick’s Classic Garage is one of the nicer museum’s he’s visited in his trip.

“This is a very well done collection, you could almost eat off the floor,” said Caldwell.

Dick’s also hopes to build more permanent installments to their collection in the next couple years.

“We’re actually going to start building displays around the vehicles, so they will be the same vehicles, but in a more historical context,” said Fortney. Two projects we have coming up if we can raise the funds is a 1950’s gas station, and actually hopefully in the next couple months put a barn in the lobby.”

More information on Dick’s Classic Garage can be found on their official website: