About Us

Joy Smith

Joy Smith is a 20 year old Junior at Texas State University who is majoring in Mass Communication with a focus in Electronic Media. She works at KTSW 89.9 and co-hosts a weekly radio show. She enjoys music journalism and creative directing music videos.

Meg Sween

Meg Sween is a senior of the School of Journalism and Mass Communication at Texas State University. Currently, she is specializing in Electronic Media. Meg is 21 years old and grew up on the northwest side of San Antonio. In her free time during the summer holidays Meg works at KTSW 89.9 and serves as a DJ for a weekly radio show. Meg is looking forward to graduating in the fall of 2014, and moving on to a career in radio broadcasting within the San Antonio and Austin area.

is currently in her final year at Texas State University studying English and Journalism. She was born and raised in Austin and recently moved back. She currently works at Starbucks and in her spare time she enjoys rock climbing and listening to NPR. She hopes to find a career in publishing or editing when she is through with her degree.

Chantel Nurkowski

Chantel Nurkowski is a 20-year-old born and raised in San Antonio, Texas after both of her parents moved down from British Columbia. She came to Texas State upon graduation, and is currently studying digital media with a minor in Psychology. After she graduates, she plans to move to San Diego, California and get her Masters in Occupational Therapy. In her spare time she enjoys painting, spending time with her awesome cat Tux and traveling all over with her family.